In Memory of




Condolence From: Cortnie Freeman
Condolence: We are so very sorry for your loss. We are thinking of you all during this time.
Friday December 22, 2017
Condolence From: David and Phyliis Ogle
Condolence: Paige,Robert ,Mary and Brandon`s Parents We are so sorry to hear about Brandon . We know he fought the battle with such courage and grace. `He was always cheerful and full of life. When I did Bus Safety at Sixes I would always look him up. Paige you and your family have always been a part of our life. Our children love you too In Christ Jesus David and Phyllis Ogle May the bless you and give you comfort and peace
Friday December 22, 2017
Condolence From: Tabatha Dearman (Burcher)
Condolence: I am so very sorry for your loss. Although I didn't get to know him well, from what I did know, Brandon was an amazing man. Even in his own illness, he took time to help others in need, whether it was contacting his doctor about Jasmyne, or just bringing up garbage cans for neighbors. I'm so glad that now his morning runs are on streets of gold. You are in my prayers. Tabatha
Friday December 22, 2017
Condolence From: Cindy Scott Cable
Condolence: Sending my deepest sympathy to you all!
Friday December 22, 2017
Condolence From: Pamela Scott Moss
Condolence: So sorry for your loss, The world lost a beautiful soul.
Friday December 22, 2017
Condolence From: dr david lee
Condolence: May God's Goodness, Grace, and Mercy cover you in a blanket of His Glory.
Friday December 22, 2017
Condolence From: Courtney Bowen
Condolence: Dear Paige and family, I send you my love and hugs at this time. May God lift you up and strengthen you. Blessings of comfort be upon you all.
Friday December 22, 2017
Condolence From: Ann, Denis and Nicholas Terrell
Condolence: We are so sorry to hear of Brandon's passing. He was one of those truly gracious individuals who make life so much more pleasant for everyone around him. There really are no words to adequately express our sympathy for the profound loss you must be feeling. Please know we are thinking of you and praying for you every minute. Nicholas has the best memories of Coach English, and I hope your memories of him will be some comfort to you. I am so sorry we could not see you these two days, but we be there, along with our Troop 241 family, for love and support. With warmest regards and renewed sympathy, The Terrell Family Ann, Denis and Nicholas
Friday December 22, 2017
Condolence From: David & Jean Gibson
Condolence: Sammy & Family, please no that I will be with you in my thoughts & prayers.
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: Bill Christopher "Mr. C"
Condolence: Dearest Family, I spent four years getting to know Brandon during his High Schools years and always believed he would make Lamar County Proud. As I have heard stories of his accomplishments and faith after he left High School I must say he has made us proud. I only regret that I was not able to get to know Brandon the man, teacher, coach, husband, father, and most importantly Brother in Christ. May God's Shalom-Peace wash over you all in this time of loss.
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: Ed & Sharon Kelley
Condolence: Brandon was one of my favorite people & one of the finest teachers I knew. He had an amazing faith and gave all praise to Jesus. Staff and students love him. He set me on the road to good health along time ago. We will miss him, he inspired people of all ages and was a dear friend. Love and prayers for comfort and healing to Paige, Caden, and Addy as the family for this most difficult time.Love all of you. We'll see him in heaven love Ed & Sharon Kelley
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: Stephanie Bonner Smith
Condolence: The world lost a beautiful soul and light this week. Brandon was one of my first friends when I moved to Barnesville about 35 years ago. It came as no surprise that the little boy we all knew so well grew up into such a great Godly man full of inspiration, strength, hope, and grace. While your grief must be overwhelming during this time of such tremendous loss, we hope that you will feel the strength of the thousands of prayers being sent up for your family from his tiny hometown of Barnesville. We are all very much hurting with you, particularly those of us who are members of the LCCHS Class of 1991. He was so blessed to live a life in which he was surrounded by such sincere love and in which his sense of adventure was shared. Praying for all his family, friends, and former students.
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: Sam and Medora Pelt
Condolence: To ALL The English Family, Please know that you are in our prayers. Brandon was in my class at church from a very early age and I especially enjoyed him as teenager when he, my Tammy and Christine were always together (Sunday School, Youth Night, Youth Camp). He was a joy until the very last call that he made to me. Dear children, just know that your Daddy left a legacy for years to come. Our love to ALL, Mr.Sammy and MS. Medora
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: Gene and Diane Munkus
Condolence: We send our deepest sympathy to your family. Brandon was always a sweet guy who lived up the Street. Ms Desie you are in my prayers along with the rest of the family.
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: karen read
Condolence: My daughters loved "Coach English" during their time at sixes elem from Kind. through 5th grade !! They said he had the best FIELD DAYS EVER ! Sending our condolences to the family. Lifting you all up in prayer. Warmly, Karen & Trip Read Skylar Read 8th Freedom Middle Savannah Read 7th Freedom Middle
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: Heidi Matheny
Condolence: Sending much Love and Prayers to your family. May you feel God's Presence during this very difficult time.
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: Lori Weisel
Condolence: Ms. Paige ~ What an inspiration Mr. English and your family are to so many! I know you take comfort that he is out of all his pain and in a new, sparkling body, praising the One he has lived for all of his life! Our prayers are with you and we are here if you need anything. All our Love, The Weisel/Maher Families
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: Jean Sellers
Condolence: Paige, Brandon, you, and your children have been in my prayers for many years. I will continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you and your children with strength and with peace, comforting y'all through this time. Two of my children had Brandon as a P.E. teacher at Sixes and have good memories of him. Please know if you need anything, contact Mark or me at anytime. Love, Jean & Mark
Thursday December 21, 2017
Condolence From: The Reinbolt Family
Condolence: Coach English was by far the best coach our kids, Ryan and Rachel, ever had. They both have so many fond memories of him during his time at Sixes Elementary. I enjoyed working with him as well and cherish the recent phone calls we had talking about old times. You and your family are forever in our hearts.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Mandy Bobo
Condolence: Paige, I am so very sorry to hear of Brandon's passing. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers. Much love to you all. Mandy
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From:
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: LaFonda Player
Condolence: My thoughts and prayers to you and your family! May you find peace and comfort soon.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Pat and Wayne Moody
Condolence: Paige , you and all the family are in our thoughts and prayers! Precious memories will sustain until you meet again!
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Regina Groover
Condolence: I always enjoyed getting to see Brandon because he was such a great example of trusting God, was an optimist, and overall wonderful person! I believe he had a positive effect on everyone he met! Those kind of people are few and far between. May God richly bless all of the family members! Brandon left a great legacy!
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Vickie Adkison
Condolence: Paige and family. I’m so sorry for your loss. Brandon was a great person. He will be missed by so many. You all are in my prayers.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Harold and Elaine Slate
Condolence: We are sad to learn of Brandon’s passing. We extend to you our most sincere condolences. Paige, our prayers are with you, Caden and Addie during this time of sorrow. May your precious memories of Brandon be sufficient to ease the grief you feel at this time.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Bruce & Debbie Holcombe
Condolence: Paige, Bruce and I are so sorry to hear about Brandon's passing. Please know you and your family are in our prayers.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: The Ruff Family
Condolence: Our three sons (Henry, Ben and Phillip) have many fond memories of Field Day at Sixes Elementary. Coach English always made it special with the tug-of-war competitions and of course, Bombardi! As a spectator mom, I always looked forward to his closing remarks at the end of the day where he would remind the students to keep trying their best, to take pride in themselves and to always give thanks to their teachers, parents and fellow students. He will be missed. God's peace to him and God's comfort to his family and loved ones.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Christy Stancil
Condolence: Paige and family, I am so sorry to learn of Brandon's death. I pray for peace and comfort for all of you at this time.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Kenny and Jackie Miller
Condolence: So sorry to hear of Brandon's passing. Praying for your family.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Adam Biesecker
Condolence: I am so sorry to hear this news, my heart hurts for the family. Brandon is no longer in any struggle. Perfect peace, God's peace has come upon him. Praying for Paige and the family.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Adam & Tammy Pelt Cochran
Condolence: Brandon showed the love of Jesus in the toughest of times and the best of times. He lived life to the fullest. What an inspiration he was to all of us. Paige, you and your beautiful children remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Adam & Tammy Pelt Cochran
Condolence: Brandon showed the love of Jesus in the toughest of times and the best of times. He lived life to the fullest. What an inspiration he was to all of us. Paige, you and your beautiful children remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Adam & Tammy Pelt Cochran
Condolence: Brandon showed the love of Jesus in the toughest of times and the best of times. He lived life to the fullest. What an inspiration he was to all of us. Paige, you and your beautiful children remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Wednesday December 20, 2017
Condolence From: Jeff Sandlin
Condolence: Our deepest sympathy Paige to you and the kids. May God give you strength during this difficult time. Jeff and Tina Sandlin
Wednesday December 20, 2017