In Memory of




Condolence From: Sharon Payne Setser
Condolence: Sharon and Mitchell I am so sorry for your lost. I will keep yall in my prayers and if you need anything I am here for you. Susan will be missed dearly by me and lots and lots of others. I will always remember the person she was inside and out a very Fun, Loving and Caring person. Every time I make slaw or Oreo Delite I will be thinking of Susan I remember this past Christmas just like it was just yesterday she sat and told me how much she loved the slaw and Oreo Delite that I made. RIP my deal friend.
Friday April 16, 2010
Condolence From: Shirley Goss
Condolence: I was so saddened by the news of Susan's Heavenly transition but I do know that the angels are rejoicing to have one of there own back home. Susan was so very special to me and so many. I have only few memories of Susan but each of those memories are special to me. From her beautiful voice singing at my 16th birthday party to our mutual farmville interest. Everyday I will miss seeing her thoughtful gifts in my inbox. But her memory will stayed edged in my mind forever. I am so sorry for your loss and I am here for each of you if you ever need me. I consider Susan as an angel here on earth and I know that she isn't suffering and is rejoicing with our Lord. With lots of love and Prayers The Goss Family and Glenda Cassidy (Granny) Sharon if you need anything at all my number is 678-571-2564, your friend and extended family member Shirley
Thursday April 15, 2010
Condolence From: Pearline Harper, Humana, Inc.
Condolence: I never had the pleasure of meeting Susan, but I spoke to her on several occasions regarding her benefits as I am the Account Advisor at Humana for Cowabunga Pizza. I was so impressed with her strength and endurance, I continued to follow-up with Carola Wallace on her health. I honestly feel if I had had the opportunity to know her, she would have been a true friend. Just to speak to her was a pleasure. Although her health was failing, she always managed to be upbeat. On behalf of Humana, and myself, I extend my heart felt condolences to the entire family. Remember the good times. Warmest Regards,
Thursday April 15, 2010
Condolence From: david sho Okasa
Condolence: Sharon and Mitchell, I will miss Susan as much as you guys will. She is like family to me. We had some good times and not so good, but I wouldn't change a thing. Time I spent with Susan will be cherish. God bless her and I know she is in better place now with Blake.
Wednesday April 14, 2010
Condolence From: Greg Newman Sr
Condolence: My Dear Susan, you left us way to young at 46, just as your parents. I am so glad you did not suffer very much toward the end. Condolences to Sharon and Mitch and all the Kids. I am so glad we got a chance to get together in NC a couple of years back and was recently enjoying Susan's company on Facebook and she kept me laughing about her "Farmville". I will miss you greatly Cousin'. R.I.P.
Wednesday April 14, 2010